
RECONISIDER OLD PATTERNS. This time of the year is about really examining how you're living, Aquarius. Take a look at the routines you're in right now. How can these be improved or streamlined for the new year? Be sure to take a look so you don't end up stuck in a shitty, toxic wheel in 2021.

MAKE RESOLUTIONS FOR YOU. You're a textbook giver, Pisces. We wouldn't be surprised if all your resolutions involved giving to others. But we also want to encourage you to make resolutions that take care of your damn self.

IT'S ALL IN THE DETAILS. Don't forget about the little things as this year winds down, Aries! Make a list of all the small things you want to tie up before the ball drops on NYE. We know you fucking love lists, and crossing things off your plate is a great way to end 2020.

DON'T BLINK OR YOU'LL FUCKING MISS IT. The end of the year is going to fly by for you, Taurus. The next few days are going to feel like milliseconds. Make the most out of this fast-moving energy by knocking out any lingering projects before the new year.

REFLECT ON YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. The end of the year is a great time for reflection, Cancer. Think about the friendships you have and the relationships you have with your family. Are these where you want them to be? Decide what people you want to carry into the new year, and which ones can be left in the hellscape that was 2020.

CLEAR THE AIR. You've heard the expression, "don't go to bed angry" haven't you, Leo? It's doubly important not to end the year angry. Make an effort to reach out and clear the air with anyone you have lingering resentment with. Apologize for what you need to apologize for, and go into the new year with a clear conscious.

LOOK FORWARD TO NEW BEGINNINGS. The new year represents a new chapter for all of us, Libra. But you in particular are in for a series of new beginnings soon. We know your balanced sense of self will have you taking these fresh starts like a fucking champ. So take this time to enjoy the end of 2020, and start bracing yourself for all new adventures.