TAKE YOUR TIME. Be super careful this week, Capricorn. You’re feeling ultra-intuitive which has it’s benefits but can also make you feel other people’s emotions a little too deeply. In fact, you can even begin to interpret that shit as your own. Take the time to dissect situations so you can find where everyone else’s opinions end, and yours begin. Allow these insights to open your perspectives but don't speak on it just yet.

StRaNgE HaPpEnInGs. There’s all kinds of weird shit happening this week, Aquarius. The goods news is...you love it! Other people might be thrown off by erratic events but you get hella inspiration from the unusual. Observe and plan but don’t move forward with anything just yet. It’s all about taking it in and developing a vision for the future.

PATIENCE. You’re ten steps ahead this week, Pisces. While it can be super frustrating to pump the brakes while everyone else catches up, it’s also very necessary. Everyone is looking to you so slow down and focus on the quality of what you’re saying. Remember a few deep conversations are way more impactful than a hundred surface-level ones. Help people understand what you already know; not everyone is as intuitive as you, hon!

ONE STEP AT A TIME. It’s a busy week for you, Aries. And yes, sometimes that can feel a little overwhelming but don’t let the panic get the best of you, girlfriend! Jot down your to-do list, stay focused, and handle shit one step at a time. This is all taking you somewhere much bigger; keep that in mind and enjoy the hustle!

DO IT YOURSELF. There’s a lot of change happening right now, Taurus. Just trust the plan; these changes are meant to put on the right path. Remember, that doesn’t mean the universe will do all the heavy lifting for you - put in the hard work required to take this shit to the next level. A very powerful time if you rise to the occasion!

OPEN YOUR MIND. It’s all about perspective this week. Gemini. If you’re willing to open yourself up to other options, ideas, and opinions you’ll find some hidden gems about all the awesome shit that’s available to you. Let your mind wander and explore every avenue but remember to get all the facts when considering where you’re headed next!

INNER-STRENGTH. It’s a week of self-discovery, Cancer. You might find yourself considering the easy way out on certain things, but don’t fall for it. You are much stronger than you know, girl! Pay attention to all the little things happening; don’t fall for anyones bullshit, and most importantly – remember you have the power!

TAKE CHARGE. You’ve got the wheel this week, Leo! Other people might be a little more distracted than normal which means you’ll find yourself steering the ship all on your own. And the good news is: you’re up for the task. Get in there and remind yourself that of what an amazingly capable badass you are. It’s all about remembering your power and ability. Focus and get that shit done!

CRACKS IN THE FOUNDATION. It’s all about testing the core tenants of your life this week, Virgo (friends, family, home). Sounds daunting but trust this: it’s here to make sure that the groundwork is strong enough to build upon. The universe does this just before major growth. So get in there and make sure this shit can hold more weight! Bigger things are coming.

SET THE TONE. You’re feeling a little out of control right now, Libra. While you can’t necessarily change some of the shit that's happening, you can change your perspective on it. The more negatively you speak, the more negatively you think. Speak more positively and you will actually alter how you see things, which will leave you feeling more powerful. You have a clear vision of the future right now – don’t let anything change that. Positive vibes only!

KEEP IT SIMPLE. Minor changes can lead to major rewards this week, Scorpio. Take a look at the small things you can adjust to put yourself in a better financial position and you’ll find that the impacts are more substantial than you think. Keep an eye on your vision of the future and adjust accordingly; even though other people are questioning it (f**k ‘em) – you know what you want so get out there and get started.

ALL EYES ON YOU. There’s a lot of focus on you this week, Sagittarius. Yes, you can earn major applause when you’re center stage but you can also solicit some “boo’s” if you make the wrong move. Rise to the challenge and kick the shit outta everything you do. Just be careful and mindful of this attention and what it means.