IT’S YOUR WEEK! It’s all happening for you this week, Capricorn. You’re feeling creative AF and killing everything you do. You’ll notice that your dreams feel within reach – and that’s because they are… as long as you’re ready to work for it. Dive in and trust your instincts. Let’s f**king go!

BUILDING BLOCKS. It’s all about the foundational shit this week, Aquarius. It’s super important that the fundamentals in your life are strong enough to build on. Family, friends, home… they need to support the weight of your dreams. Once you get that right – you can start building up faster than ever. You know what to do!

DO WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU. That’s the most important thing, Pisces. Take a look at the things in your life that might feel easy but definitely aren’t setting you up for where you want to be. Make changes so that you’re using your full potential. That includes letting go of any shit that’s holding you back (people, feelings, emotions). Get after it and shine, honey!

INTUITIVE AF. You’re basically psychic this week, Aries. The ability to feel the energy and moods of those around you will help you navigate any situation with ease. Just remember to know when someone else’s opinion stops and yours begins. You’ll learn hella new info and it will help you understand things at a much higher level – #FuckYeah.

MAGIC. This week is your great reawakening, Taurus. Dreams from the past are flooding back but this time – you know you can f**king do this. Put yourself first and go for it! This energy has arrived to put you on the path for a kickass future. #DAMNGIRL

PLAN IT OUT. This week is all about observation (instead of action), Gemini. If you feel moved in a certain direction, write down your thoughts and ideas and then let that shit ruminate. You’re feeling super creative so it’s important to explore all the options before you commit to any one path.

NO JUDGEMENT. Don’t make any assumptions this week, Cancer. Let your feelings and thoughts appear and make note but remember, shit can change at any moment. What you’re seeing might not be the whole picture. Give yourself the grace to go on this journey without jumping to conclusions. There’s more going on than it seems!

MESSAGE INCOMING. Listen to what the universe is trying to tell you this week, Leo. If you’re feeling flooded with insights, write them down; it’ll all make sense at some point. There’s a shit ton of opportunity headed your way if you ride this wave! Hang ten, bitches!

GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT. Do you hear that, Virgo? It’s fate and it’s calling your name. You might not see the exact path right now, but trust that this shit is leading you to exactly where you need to be. If you give it everything you got – you’ll be setting yourself up for the best possible outcomes. So get out there and do your best, baby!

ENLIGHTEN UP! Pay attention to where you’re headed this week, Libra. Even the most mundane shit could be trying to tell you something about the future. Things will happen faster and faster as the week rolls on. Give yourself a change of scenery to find inspiration – it will be worth it!

HAVE FUN, HON! It’s a light and airy kind of week, Scorpio. You’ll feel moved to create new relationships and to improve existing ones; listen to that instinct. All of these bonds will be hella important in the weeks and months to come. Have fun and live in the moment – don’t commit to anything too serious right now!

LEVEL PLAYING GROUND. It’s all about hitting reset on your relationships this week, Sagittarius. You might feel like other people are cluing you into their true feelings and you’d be wise to listen and also speak the f**k up. These conversations and actions are meant to create balance. Approach it with love (for yourself and others) and it’ll set you up for more peace. You’ll also be attracting new peeps who will be important in your life!