Do What You Can.
The energy this week starts out intense but if you keep your head down and focus, you’ll find that it gets a lot easier as the days roll on. The key is to do what you can, when you can, and refuse to be sucked into the bullsh*t.
Our brand new blend, Shut The F**k Up, is the perfect tea to power you through this noisy week. Stay focused by sipping on this full-bodied, brisk black tea with smoky caramel undertones.

KEEP IT 100%. It’s time to be on your best behavior, Capricorn. There’s a lot of people noticing you right now and they’re impressed with what they see. All of the hard work you’ve been putting in is getting noticed. Keep it up (no slacking right now) and the opportunities you’ve been hoping for will materialize.

ADJUST YOUR PERSPECTIVE. It’s all about staying open to new ideas and viewpoints this week, Aquarius! The universe is making sure you’re able to see all sides of the issues so you’re educated on other people’s perspectives on things. This is to help you uncomplicate matters in your own mind. By accepting different ways of doing things, you’ll find yourself seeing things a lot clearer.

TAKE THE WHEEL. Your optimism is needed this week, Pisces. You have a unique way of staying positive when things get tough, and people really need to see that in you right now. Even if they don’t agree with you, they’ll find your attitude a breath of fresh air and they’ll be asking you how you do it. Don’t let your emotions get in the way – stay focused!

LISTEN UP. There are messages trying to reach you, Aries. But it may not be the shit you wanted to hear. Don’t allow yourself to hit “ignore” just because what you’re seeing isn’t jiving with what you wanted. Embrace these new ideas and you’ll find that it’s leading you to much bigger things than you could’ve imagined. If you choose not to listen, you may lose out.

STAY OPEN. You’re going to see things from a different lens this week, Taurus. Keep yourself open to new ideas and opinions and you’ll find yourself learning all kinds of new shit. This will come in super handy in coming days and weeks when you have some big decisions to make! Take notes.

SHHH. It’s not time to start arguments with the people you love, Gemini. If you’re finding yourself in conflict with the people closest to you; back off of that shit. Allow yourself to be open to their ideas even if you have a completely different viewpoint. If you listen to what they’re actually saying you might learn a thing or two – and that will become very important in coming weeks.

LISTEN AND LEAD. The universe is trying to connect with you, Cancer. It has some important shit to say, so pay close attention to the signs and signals coming your way. These messages will help you align what you say AND what you do in a way that makes other people stop and look. You’ll find others coming to you for advice as a result of this; and you’ll know exactly what to say to help!

PUSH IT OFF. Got a huge decision to make right now, Leo? Wait on it. You don’t need to rush it, and you definitely shouldn’t. You need to make sure your own shit is in good shape before you can move forward with making major shifts or giving anyone advice. Just focus on you this week!

POWER UP! This week is recharging in more ways than one, Virgo. Focus on all the shit that makes you feel good about yourself. It’s not time to make huge decisions or leaps of faith, but to reinforce your own mental and physical well-being. Visualize where you want to go, and write down a step-by-step plan to do it. This will help you feel ready when it’s time to move forward in coming months.

RAISE IT UP. You’re being recognized this week, Libra. The universe is reminding all of the people around you how valued your contributions are. Use this attention to spread your positive messaging and impact. But don’t forget to keep focused on your own shit – even if it feels like business as usual, there could be something that surprises you.

ARGH. There’s going to be some frustrating moments this week, Scorpio. Don’t get down on yourself though, it’s super important to rise above the bullshit. If you’re able to gain a new perspective through these challenges, you’ll find that the lessons learned are positioning you to newer levels of understanding that will help in decision-making down the road. You got this.

WELL, THATS WEIRD. You’re in for a strange week, Sagittarius. But it’s all good – because you happen to thrive during unusual moments. You might find this energy brings you new ways to look at things; and that gives you more opportunity than before. Other people might not receive messages as easily right now, just tell them like it is and they’ll appreciate it later.