FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTH. The world has really beaten you down lately, Capricorn. You're starting to feel hopeless and like things aren't going to look up for you. This is a week to do whatever you can to find your inner strength again. Think about the things in your life worth living for and focus on your purpose and your furture.

SEEK QUIET AND SOLITUDE. You've been putting yourself out there a ton lately, Aquarius. We fucking love that for you, and we support sharing your voice. This week, however, you should focus on being alone and regrouping. See what you learn in the quiet.

FINISH A PROJECT. You've been slacking on follow through lately, Pisces. You keep starting things but not quite finishing them. This week a new energy is coming that's going to help you see a project through to the end. Take this time to work hard on something you care about. Notice how fucking good it feels to complete something and keep chasing that feeling..

SEE AND BE SEEN. You've been craving the spotlight lately, Aries. You're a damn Rockstar and you deserve it. Step into the limelight this week by sharing parts of yourself with others. Whether that's showing off your new hobby or taking a bomb selfie, take the attention you deserve. You glow, girl.

LET YOUR ANGER OUT. You've been bottling your anger up again, Taurus. This week is the time to fucking unleash it. Don't feel like you have to maintain homeostasis all the time. Sometimes it's good to get a little angry. Pour your anger into something that gets your heart pumping.

TAKE A CHANCE. It's time to spin the roulette wheel of life this week, Gemini. You need to shake things the fuck up because you've been stagnant lately. Take a chance and shoot for something you really want. Even if you don't get it, the worst thing that can happen is you tried.

SET MENTAL BOUNDARIES. There is so damn much happening in the world right now, Cancer. It can be easy to let all of it sweep away your thoughts and overwhelm you. That's why it's important to set up boundaries. Limit your exposure to the news of the world and to the problems of others. Strong boundaries mean you can have more consistent inner peace. So start building those boundaries now.

KEEP DOING GOOD FOR OTHERS. You've been working hard for others lately, Leo. That's fantastic! But you've also been feeling a bit unappreciated. We promise the good you're putting out into the universe will come back to you. So keep pushing and being a damn for others. You got this!

HONOR ALL SIDES OF YOURSELF. Start accepting that you're a multifaceted human being, Virgo. Your complexity has been confusing you lately. You're feeling like you've lost site of who you are. Remember this week that you contain multitudes and that all aspects of your personality are you. Get to know the parts of yourself that you don't fully recognize.

AVOID DEAD-END DEBATES. Not everyone sees the world with the balance that you do, Libra. You're going to be tempted to argue with people until the cows come home over things that seem obvious to you. Debating with people whose minds won't change is a waste of your damn time. Instead, focus on setting your own principles and sticking to them.