STOP FEELING GUILTY. You’ve been playing the blame game with yourself far too much recently, Capricorn. Not everything is your damn cross to bear. Free yourself from the burden of other people’s baggage this week. Accept that you are only responsible for your own actions.

EMBRACE YOUR SADNESS. You’ve been brushing off your pain and sadness like it’s no big deal, Aquarius. But avoiding your emotions isn’t healthy. Sure, other people might have it worse than you, but that doesn’t diminish your experience. Take this time to let yourself grieve. Open up some fucking Ben and Jerry’s and let it all out. It’s good for you, we promise.

REVIVE YOUR PASSIONS. Life has been a little humdrum lately, huh Pisces? You’re just letting the days pass instead of truly enjoying them. Take this time to reclaim your passions. Reconnect with a cause or hobby that makes you feel alive.

APPRECIATE THE LITTLE THINGS. We know you’re getting restless with the state of the world, Aries. We feel you, things are totally shit right now. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the little things in life. Think about your kid’s laughter, sending memes to a friend, making the perfect grilled cheese. There are so many magical moments in a day that make life worth living. Watch out for those this week.

TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT, WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT. What do you WANT this week, Taurus? Ask yourself what you really want out of this week and your life as a whole. It’s time to get back in touch with your desires. You’ve been trying to make everyone else so happy lately that you’ve forgotten to take care of your motherfucking self.

DON’T DULL YOUR SHINE. You’ve been diminishing yourself lately, Gemini. You’ve been making yourself smaller in an attempt to not annoy or bother anyone. This is a mistake. Be the shining light that you are. The world needs more of your laughter, personality, and creativity right now, not less of it. So get back to being your bomb ass self. ASAP.

HARNESS YOUR PHYSICAL POWER. It’s time to get in touch with your body this week, Cancer. You need to remind yourself how powerful and badass your body is. It carries you through each and every day and you should celebrate that. Remind yourself how strong you are by trying a new workout this week. Whether it’s kickboxing or hot yoga, use your body in a new way and be reminded just how incredible it is to be alive.

PLAN FOR THE FUTURE. It’s important for you to look ahead this week, Leo. You haven’t been making a lot of new goals lately because the world feels very much frozen in time. However, whether you feel it or not, we are still propelling forward. The goals you set today will become your reality soon enough if you make them and stick to them. Start planning for the future because with you it’s sure to be bright AF.

BE THE TORTOISE. Slow it wayyyy down this week, Virgo. You’ve been frustrated lately because your hard work isn’t paying off as fast as you’d like. Remember that it takes time to achieve anything worth having. Just because other people are seeing results fast AF doesn’t mean your time isn’t coming. Keep putting in the work and making gains toward your goals even if you feel like a tortoise barely moving.

EMBRACE DIFFERENCES. You might have some conflicts arise in your relationships this week, Libra. When they do, remember it’s ok to have a different opinion. You weren’t put on this weird fucking orb of a planet to blindly agree with everything your friends and family think. Be sure to use your voice this week to tell people if you disagree. Chin up, girlfriend, you got this.

RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE. Get fucking mad, Scorpio!! You’ve been holding your anger in for so long that steam is erupting from your ears. Let it all out this week, in a healthy way. Whether it’s through venting to a close friend, practicing creativity, or working out, find ways to funnel your anger out of yourself and into the universe.

OWN YOUR DECISIONS. It’s time to be extra decisive this week, Sagittarius. We know it can sometimes feel like you have no control over your life. Sometimes it feels like the universe is just choosing everything for you. But this week, it’s important you’re really fucking clear in your decision making. Decide on thing you’ve been putting off and start shaping your own future.