UNDER PRESSURE (you totally sang that in your head). You’re going to feel the HEAT this week Aires, but in the best way possible. Work your ass off and career growth and recognition are just around the corner. It's very important to know when to take the reins and when to let others shine. The universe is holding you to the highest of standards, so honey… you bettah #WERK.
QUESTION EVERYTHING. Check out the processes in your life and workplace that are “just done that way” and make that sh*t better. The universe is teaching you a lesson about the big picture and if you can see it, you will benefit big time. I’m talking major rewards. Help just because, without expecting much in return. Embrace the change, baby.
RE-DIRECT! You know when you’re driving and your Waze App suddenly puts you on a new path because of some accident and it saves you a sh*t ton of time. Yeah, that’s you this week. The universe is helping you find a better avenue for your passions. It’s going to feel like a major shift but trust the journey – it’s saving you a sh*t ton of time. Handle every little task and detail and you’ll experience abundance and recognition.
SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. There’s no “dancing around” the issues this week, Cancer. Go ahead and tell people exactly how you’re feeling and what you want, particularly in your personal relationships. If you’re able to make your expectations clear, people will show you whether or not they can meet them. Being direct and patient will lead to greater satisfaction in your life.
GET DOWN TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER. Just like Don Henley, you’re going to feel super in tune (get it, in tune?) with your life this week; embrace the f**k out of it. You’ll see what needs to get done very clearly, especially when it comes to your health. The hardest step is the first one. Don’t ignore what the universe is telling you this week. YOU GOT THIS SH*T, LEO!
#LFG. That stands for “LET’S F**KING GO” by the way (yeah - I’m hip, I’m with it). This week is all about you, Virgo. While everyone is experiencing a pretty good week, you’re seeing the best of it. Does that mean you’ll be handed everything on a silver platter? Not exactly. But it does mean this: overcome adversity and the world is yours. Focus on how you affect those around you, get in-step with your power, open yourself up. Determination and willpower will bring you to a whole new level of awesomeness.
KEEP A TIGHT SHIP! Your home life is shifting into major focus this week, Libra. Get sh*t done TODAY, not next week or next month or next year. Bodies in motion, stay in motion. The more you do, the easier it becomes. And all that good stuff. Buzz with that energy and the universe will hand over some major kudos. Personal excellence isn’t a “nicety”, it’s required!
COMMUNICATION IS KEY. The universe is pushing you to be in sync with the feelings, emotions, and intentions of others. Get on-board with this energy and it will bring out the very best in you; so much so that others will notice your incredible swagger (apparently I say things like “swagger” now). Be honest, be open, and you’ll find yourself elevated in more ways than you can imagine.
IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS, BABY. Personal wealth is on the radar this week, Sagittarius. In order to live up to the universe’s expectations, you must be at your personal BEST. Not just good, not just great, but your absolute best. Your attitude is key to reaping these rewards. Stay positive, run hard, and keep your mind focused. If your faith is there… this week holds unlimited potential.
ON TOP OF THE WORLD. Hey Capricorn, get ready for the best week ever. If you’re able to rise to the challenge the universe is posing, the abundance is limitless. There are going to be certain obstacles this week that will feel like the “end of the road”, but if you hit reverse and forage a new path… you’ll find the rewards are worth the work. Remain adaptable, keep your mind open, and harness the greatness.
KEEP COOL. Sometimes, even though everything is lined up and ready to go (in your mind), it’ll feel a lot like the universe is “holding you back”. And in some ways, it is. Allow things to happen when they happen, forcing it will result in lackluster results. Self-control is key; channel those frustrated emotions towards your goals and just relax. The payoff is coming... if you’re willing to be patient.
COMPLICATED MAGIC. In some ways, this week will feel like one big, hot, sticky mess. You might get overwhelmed and emotional AF but trust the process, Pisces. The universe is trying to tell you something. Break it down into parts and tackle it bit by bit. Focus on your relationships and nurture the f**k outta them. Interact and flourish. Do not allow yourself to get into your head this week; it’s all happening for a reason and unlikely miracles and magic are abound!