CHOCK FULL O'CHOICES. This will be a week of decisions for you, Aires. There will be lots of "this or that" going on; and the choices you make can lead to completely different outcomes. The energy you're feeling will make it seem like you have to choose RIGHT NOW, but don’t fall for that sh*t. You have time. Deliberate and make sure you’re totally positive before you jump into anything.
PIECE BY PIECE. Sometimes when things are rolling along nicely, we feel a certain pressure to keep it moving through quick decisions and lowered standards. Don’t fall for it, Taurus! Take your time and make sure your choices are right for you and what you want and expect from yourself. Things are falling in place and you’re soooo close to completing that puzzle so don’t eff it up by rushing things. Do your best and keep pushing – it will pay off.
TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK. You’re going to find that others are supportive AF this week and you're going to need the help. There will be a lot of big “teamwork” moments for you and you should let it happen without resistance. Do not try to get it all done on your own; you shouldn’t and you can’t. Embrace the assistance, follow instructions closely, and people will rally for you!
BOW CHICKA WOW WOW. This week you’re going to be FEEELIN’ yourself and others will be feeling you, too. Personal relationships will be shifting as your sensuality comes front and center. Make sure that whatever happens this week, you’re not allowing your passion to cloud up communications. Send a text or an email to confirm details. Since you’ll be feeling a little boosted this week, make sure to share that energy and do things for others just because you can.
LET’S SHAKE ON IT. There will be lots of agreements reached this week, Leo. Whether it’s a new partnership, job, or some big deal you’re signing – make sure to read the fine print. Not to say you’re being f**ked over or anything, but you’ll want to understand the full expectations and requirements involved. Give yourself a lil’ wiggle room in those documents to ensure you aren’t limiting yourself in the future. This is an awesome time as really big opportunities are appearing for you.
ROADBLOCK. Don’t get frustrated when things don’t happen as expected this week, Virgo. You’re going to face some big redirects but there is a purpose for it. The universe is making sure that you’re driving on the path towards the most possible success in terms of money and quality of life. Just take a breath, allow the change and embrace the clarity that comes with it.
DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY. Right now you may feel a little lost, Libra. But the universe will step in this week and reward you both financially and personally. Your overall life happiness is going to amp up significantly as you find new, exciting opportunities and deepening relationships. Keep moving in this direction and push yourself to keep those standards high. Smile girl, you got this!
GET REAL. So the good news is that people know how friggin’ awesome you are. The bad news is, that can lead to really unrealistic expectations. You’re going to see a trend of people demanding the very best from you but you’re only human! Go ahead and let them know that you’re going to give your best effort but make sure they’re not setting that bar too damn high. Make no guarantees and remember – you can’t please everyone so don’t even try.
EMO AF. You’re going to be very emotional this week, Sagittarius. It’s also going to make you more sensitive to the emotions of others. You’ll be picking up other people’s vibes left and right. You’ve got to be careful here and make sure you’re discerning between what you really feel as opposed to what others are feeling. Make sure you watch your thoughts and words and keep your eyes open for interesting opportunities.
HOW…UNUSUAL. You going to be brimming with new and exciting ideas this week, Capricorn. In fact, you might surprise yourself with the interesting places your mind goes. Allow yourself to enjoy it and explore these thoughts. While you’ll be feeling super social remember that not everyone else will be. Don’t make any assumptions and make sure any new agreements have the wrinkles ironed out before you sign them.
GET YOUR BALANCE. It’s going to feel like your home life and work life are BOTH demanding a hell of a lot from you this week. You’ll feel like you’re being pulled into two directions and that can be stressful AF. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed, set clear expectations on both sides for what you can deliver. Be very communicative and clear to avoid any confusion. There is also a need to be true to yourself this week; don’t allow anyone to cross your moral boundaries.
THINK LONG TERM. You’re going to feel pulled in two very different directions this week, Pisces. The first side is what you want for yourself, and the other side is what others want or expect from you. Awesome opportunities will pop up and while you’ll want to jump at them, you know doing so might let others down. Be careful with what you say and how you react to these pressures. And remember to choose the one that leads to long-term happiness.