DON'T WORK SO HARD. Take it easy this week, Capricorn. You've been running yourself ragged working lately. You're trying to find self-worth in your work instead of finding it within. Focus your perspective this week and remind yourself you're fucking worthy no matter how much output you produce.

ACCEPT YOUR FEELINGS. Make peace with your feelings this week, Aquarius. Accept that what you're feeling is natural and not something to fight. Stop trying to judge or suppress your emotions. Acknowledge those fuckers and let them play their course.

LEAN ON OTHERS. You're used to carrying a great emotional weight, Pisces. You're always carrying other's emotions around with you on top of your own. It's part of your empathetic nature. This week, let some of that damn load off by venting to a friend. Let people who love you carry a little of the baggage for you.

CUT IT OUT WITH THE COMPETITION. You've been trying to compete with everyone around you lately, Aries. Cut it out! The only woman should be competing against is yourself. Someone else's glow up doesn't diminish your own shine. Keep fucking pushing and focusing on your own success.

LOOK FOR LITTLE MOMENTS OF JOY. It's time to stop and smell the roses this week, Taurus. It's true that this world is in disarray. Everything is overwhelming, but that doesn't stop tiny good things from happening to you every day. Try to block out the shitty and focus on the little gems of good this week.

DON'T LET LONELINESS OVERCOME YOU. We all get lonely sometimes, Gemini. It can feel especially challenging during the pandemic to feel connected to others. Make an effort this week to reach and form small connections with people. Even something as simple as sending a funny meme or responding to a person's tweet can spark a connection.

FIND NEW SMALL JOYS. You've lost site of the good things in life, Cancer. You've started feeling like you're trudging through days that are all the fucking same. Take time this week to notice the small things in your life that bring you joy. Once you find out what those things are, work hard to put more of them in your day.

LET PEOPLE GO. You've been hanging out to every single person in your life with tight fits, Leo. But the truth is, some of these people are simply not good for you. They're not loving you how you deserve to be loved. You don't have to hold on to people so damn rightly. Learn to thank them for the role they've played in your life and say goodbye.

CONSERVE YOUR ENERGY. Practice the conservation of yourself this week, Virgo. Your energy is limited and you've been giving it out to people left and right. Turn down some invitations and requests this week to focus on you.

FOCUS ON IMPROVEMENT. This week focus on improving how you live in all areas, Libra. This is a great week to focus on your future success. The little steps you make in improving your home, your relationships, and your finances will go a loooong fucking way. A forward-moving energy will compound all your small efforts into something huge.

I’m crushing it at work, kicking ass and taking names. My heart is shattered in a million pieces, though. I thought I had both… perfect career and perfect beautiful man. Appears I’m not lucky enough to have both. 😔