SEE THROUGH THE BULLSH*T. People are going to be saying exactly what you want to hear this week, Aries. But don’t be fooled – this isn’t necessarily a good thing. I’m not trying to make you totally paranoid, I mean not everyone is a d*ck; but watch out for hidden motives. If it feels like BS, it probably is. Your intuition is on point.
STAY STRONG. There may be some serious temptations to cave in and take the easy way out this week, Taurus. But doing so would be an awful f**king idea. You need to keep your stance and if you feel you’re on the right path, you are. Don’t let anything or anyone tell you differently. You know best. Do it right and stay on course!
LOW RISK, BIG REWARDS. It may not be the best stock-trading strategy but this is how you want to operate this week, Gemini. You’re finding new ways to solve problems and reach goals and others are taking notice and following your lead. It’s so important to remain reliable and steady while you’re in charge. Don’t take on unnecessary risks and do things by the book. Remember, when you’re setting a good example, others will do the same and it amplifies your efforts.
NEW WEEK, NEW BEGINNINGS. Get ready for a week of renewal, Cancer. You’re feeling like making some fresh starts and in some respects, starting over. This is a great time to learn lessons and find out more about yourself. It’s never too late; adjust the things that need adjusting and feel empowered with each reset. It’s leading to you to bigger things. Get it girl!
HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You’re going to be seeing some changes in the way things need to be handled, Leo. You need to stop tippy-toeing around issues and get very honest and direct about the things you feel are falling short. If you think something isn’t being delivering at 100%, fix it. But be careful with your approach because right now your relationships are shifting into focus and becoming more important in your success. Balance!
ABOVE IT ALL. You’re seeing things from an elevated perspective this week, Virgo. And honey, you are unbothered. This easy-peezy energy has you floating around and getting sh*t done without other people’s drama. It’s not only nice for you mentally, but financially as well. Yes, girl, yes.
LUCK BE A LIBRA, TOOONIIIGHT. You totally sang that. You’re still feeling a little suspicious of others intentions, Libra. This energy has been with you for a few weeks; it seems that people are just not following up on their word. They say one thing but the results indicate otherwise. Trust yourself. While this seems a little doom-and-gloom, it’s not! You have a very lucky chart right now and increased prosperity is abound.
FAMILY MATTERS. (How f**king great was that show?) This week your attention is shifting to your home life and the things that really matter: family and friends. While this will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy, it’ll also have you determined to provide for the future. You already know that building the future you want requires patience, determination, and leadership; now go ahead and implement them into your plans. You’re in a great position to achieve the things you want and you’ve got the right motivations to do so.
PASS GO, COLLECT $200. The game of Monopoly really does a great job of representing life’s grievances. For the past few weeks you’ve been feeling like the guy who spends half the game stuck in jail but that’s about to change, Sagittarius. Obstacles and restrictions are being lifted and you’re well-situated to take advantage and reap the benefits (i.e. buying the boardwalk and having every motherf**ker in the game owe you rent). Don’t be a sore winner though, people are holding you to higher standards and making sure you do exactly what you say you will.
FATED FOR GREATNESS. Do you ever feel like every little thing in your life is pushing you towards the same path? You should say, “omg yes I totally do”, cause that’s what’s happening right now, Capricorn. Destiny is heavy-handed in your chart at the moment and she’s trying to show you how important you are in the lives of others. While this has been gaining a slow momentum, it’s about to speed up. Things you’ve only dreamed about are coming to fruition with ease. You’re doing great, sweetie.
ALL ABOUT DAT MONEY. Your chart is focused on increasing that bottom line right now, Aquarius. You have to take the time to sit quietly and reflect on your future. Specifically, how can you do the things you love and still provide the lifestyle you want? Yeah I get it, that’s the million dollar question on everyone’s mind but it’s weighing heavier on you than normal. Look at your options and put yourself at ease with a plan on how to achieve this.
THINK IT THROUGH. Don’t make any rash decisions this week, Pisces. You have the time to weigh each choice, so do it. Most importantly, make sure you’re not listening to other people’s ideas of what’s right and adopting them as your own. Only you know what’s best. Now is not the time to get risky.